Introducing Farmatrack to the Roche community

With almost 100% assistance, Roche has introduced “Farmatrack” traceability solution and its launching calendar to their strategic customers and colleagues.
During the morning several Drugstores, Health Institutions, and Patients Associations participated from the system’s introduction. It played well as an essential tool to control the illegal drug traffic. Roche’s team was in charge of the institutional introduction and the operating model, whereas FOBESA´s team carried out the technical presentation, the interconnection methodology with the system and Roche’s tag traceability model. Later on, there was a lunch where all the participants had the opportunity to evacuate doubts and ask questions.
During the afternoon, it was the laboratories´ turn which appeared to be very interested in relation to Roche’s advances concerning traceability. They analysed the alternatives of using Farmatrack as a standard measure for the industry.
